I'll have another good sale soon, but no yet...lol!
In other news, I have come up with some scrumptious designs, 12 in all, and these are some really special designs, I can't wait to list them! I just haven't had the time....and they need to be listed at the right time and all together. They will definitely be in both my website and Ebay store. I'll post it when they are listed.
Oh, we have a new addition to our family. She's a stray cat that had been coming around the house everyday and she would just sit on our front porch and meow the whole time. She's so sweet. I finally let her inside and we decided we'll keep her if nobody answers the ad we placed in the paper. We took her to the vet to be checked out and he said she's been wandering for awhile and probably belonged to someone at one time. She's had it rough out there...she has a couple of tears on her ears and she's missing 6 teeth, poor kitty. But, other than that she's healthy and she's already been spayed (thank goodness!) and she's nice & cozy in our house.
We named her Lily.

I'll post more later, I've got to get dinner finished and feed the family :)